"Flow speaks to being part of something bigger than
It runs counter to the sense of being out there
alone, of ending where our skin ends."
The Power of Flow, page 3
I was preparing a Sunday morning lesson for a local church service, and I knew I
wanted to talk about "flow" and how to get into it. It was late Saturday
afternoon, and I wasn't getting very far because none of my resources did more than touch
on this subject. I had already decided to go to Barnes & Noble to find another book
(for which I had a title and author), and something told me that I could find a book
devoted to the subject of "flow." I had a clerk help me find the first book, and
then I began searching. I had no idea, of course, what the title might be, nor the
authors, and didn't even know for sure what subject the store would have it under. I just
kept searching the shelves and was just about to give up because I had to go somewhere
else. Suddenly, I spotted the spine of your book, pulled it off the shelf, and was
absolutely ecstatic at the results! It gave me exactly information I was looking for to
put into the Sunday lesson, plus material I wanted to study in-depth after the lesson was
done. During the lesson, I told the story of how I found the book. I mentioned the title,
but didn't give the authors' names. As soon as the service was completed, I had several
very excited people on the platform with pen and paper in hand, wanting the information so
they could buy a copy of the book for themselves (I told them I wasn't prepared to loan it
out yet because I wanted to read it myself). And, since then, I have read it through once
and plan to go back and do the exercises. I'm really impressed by the book, the
presentation, the format, the exercises and everything about it. Thank you for creating a
practical guidebook for helping us all "get in the flow!"
S.D., Michigan
I just wanted to briefly thank you for writing The Power of Flow. Finally, I have some insight into some otherwise unbelievable coincidences. Without having a "name" to explain the abundant connections in my life I was having daily conversations with my Dad about fate, freewill, happenstance, chance, luck, etc. He came across your book and recommended I read it. We had tried to reach each other numerous times to exchange the book that over time my plans for the future were beginning to rapidly change.
My wife and I were in the middle of changing jobs and housing so we were considering a major move to a different city. We both grew up in Bloomington, Indiana but we were receiving these messages from the Universe about making a change. The two cities that just kept on popping up were Denver, CO and Austin, TX. We had been to Austin once for a music festival and loved the city. We had also made an acquaintance with someone who lived there so we had planned for weeks to go to Austin. Then as I am explaining my situation to my best friend, he convinces us to travel to Colorado and stay with him in Denver.
So sure enough, as my car is loaded with boxes considering the move, my Dad is able to give me The Power of Flow. Lo and behold, the opening sentence is "Awakening one morning in his sunny Austin bedroom, Caylor Wadlington heard himself saying out loud, 'So I'm moving to Denver?'" I have been so moved lately! I'm only 28 pages into the book, but I'm so excited to read, take notes, and begin actively practicing Flow.
Indiana, USA
About a
year ago, I lost my father.
I tried to forget my grief by
constantly working. Six months later I fell in love with a man who reminded
me of my father in several ways... the sorrow came back to me, and I
couldn't find my way out of it. I cried all the time and for me there was
only darkness...Then a good friend of mine recomended The Power of Flow
to me, and I found it at the library... I read it once.. I read it twice...
and now I'm the "owner" of the book... and a much more enlightened person.
The Power of Flow gives me peace in my mind and calms my body. I
believe in synchronicity and flow, and it feels like I see it all around me.
B. Nielsen, Denmark
I was scheduled to leave for North Carolina
on a train in the late afternoon. I had
never been on a train and was a bit nervous about how I would keep myself occupied, so I
stopped by the bookstore and randomly picked up The Power of Flow. I asked the
cashier how much it was, not realizing it was on the cover. She said $22. I would normally
never pay that much, but I ended up purchasing it. I saw this guy in the bookstore who
just happened to be on the same train as I, and we ended up sitting next to each other. I
cracked open my book for the first time and realized I had no idea what it was about. So I
read the little excerpt and it said, "For those who were tantalized by The Celestine
Prophecy..." Well, I had read The Celestine Prophecy, and I had been very
elated and enthralled by it. I was amazed that I found a book with the same significance
-- and so randomly. Finally the guy and I start talking and it turns out he listens to
this one album that I totally cherish with all my life, and I have never before found
someone who listened to the same artist and liked the album as much as I. We talked about
the book, and we totally clicked. So maybe like in the book, it was fate that I was to
meet him and welcome him to all this insight and flow stuff.. You think? Anyway, I’d
like to give him a message...Manny, ice cream can be better than love -- well, chocolate
chip mint anyway!
A.H., Virginia
I had finished yard work and wanted to
listen to a loud CD while I took my shower. I chose "Pink Floyd, Dark Side of the
Moon." While I was showering I remembered reading about people playing the CD while
watching The Wizard of Oz. My kids have the Wizard of Oz and I realized I could try it. My
son and I started watching but I didn't see any coincidences. Realizing I probably did not
know at which point for either the tape or the CD I was supposed to start at, I resolved
to look for a web site with instructions the next time I got online. When I typed in
Wizard of Oz Pink Floyd into a search engine, I found a number of summaries about the
subject but all of the links I found that day were disconnected or dead. But one site led
me to the word "synchronicity" and to the book,
The Power of Flow. The
concept of Flow was a connection my spouse and I needed for our spirituality to flourish
at that time and flow has continued to grow as a strong part of our lives.
I do not believe in coincidence. Never have. Nevertheless, some
coincidences are more obvious than others. Some synchronicities are more significant than
others. Like when I became aware of Flow. I had just come home from a seminar on personal
growth and spirituality when a young friend of mine came by my house. She was about to
leave for a one-month trip to Italy and Greece. She put a small package on the table,
asking me to return it to sender. It was the book-of-the-month from a book club of which I
am also a member. I had cancelled the book in advance, but she had forgotten to do so and
did not want to buy it. After she had left I looked at the package and realized that this
had significance. Yes -- it was "The Power of Flow." I had cancelled it because
I did not want another book on spiritual bullshit. I had coupled it with "Celestine
Prophecy" -- a book I did not like as I found it too "far out" and not a
very good story. But here I was -- after this seminar -- which was much about
synchronicity. So I decided to keep the book, pay the bill and read it! And I was
thrilled. Less bullshit and good practical advice and guidance. I have now read through it
and will study the book over again carefully. I thank the universe for kicking my
preoccupied stubbornness by placing the book right under my nose!
Birgitte Refshauge, Denmark
Just this morning I thought, "I need to run to Borders and find a
'self-improvement' book," though I hadn't really thought too much on which
type. I mean, do I want to improve my financial intelligence? Do I want a
computer "for dummies" book? I really didn't put much thought to it. I just
went. I flipped through a couple of books in the same vicinity of this one,
but this title was really throwing off some weird vibes, so I picked it up.
I read the back of it and thought, "This is interesting," and decided to
give it a try. On the way back home, I remembered I wanted to stop off at
the store, so I ran in and got the few things I thought I needed, but in the
check-out lane I saw the lady in front of me had a gallon of milk. "Oh,
$#@*!" I thought to myself, "I forgot the milk. Now I'll have to get put of
line and go back to get some." I went back, grabbed it, lumbered back into
the same line -- and I thought it was coincidence, but the line had been
halted because they were changing cashiers. I got back into line right where
I was before. Everybody else was avoiding that line because they had to swap
out drawers and what-have-you. Now I know there was a reason for
picking up this book. Even when I thought, "Hey! I wonder if there's a way I
can contact these people and tell them of this experience," VIOLA! There it
Clete Wilhelm
Belleville, IL
A co-worker of mine left our company
because she had received a
much better offer from a competitor. The increase in salary that she
received was substantial. I was in somewhat of a turmoil wondering if I
should look for a better financial opportunity even though I was very happy
at the company I have been employed by for 10 years. Within about a
four-day period the following happened. I was contacted by a former boss
that I worked with 15 years ago, and the next day I ran into another old
boss from about 10 years ago. The same day I ran into a couple who used to
be my neighbors but I hadn't seen them in about 8 years and the husband was
telling me about the company he works for which is the same type of business
as mine. I had commented to a friend what a coincidence this was and
wondered what it meant. The next morning the television is on in the next
room and tuned to Fox and Friends and I can hear them announcing their next
guest, Deepak Chopra, who's there to talk about his new book on
Synchronicity "The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire: Harnessing the
Infinite Power of Coincidence." I ran into the room and watched him talk
for a moment and later that day I was off to buy his book. Reading his book
led me to read "The Power of Flow." I'm now a believer in synchronicity and
the flow.
Micki M., Tulsa, OK
I read The Power of Flow
several years ago and loved it. I am a firm believer in
synchronicity. Presently I am working on a book called Magic of Intention,
and a friend sent me a note asking me if I had read your book. I thought,
Hmmmm this is interesting..... So I pulled out your book and
started re-reading it. Within a few days the words for my book started
flowing much better. It was amazing! This is my first book and I've been
apprehensive.... you know - the old chatter "will anyone even want to read
it?" After re-reading parts of your book, and doing some major rewrites, I
sent it onto a few friends and an editor for review. So far, the review has
been excellent. It was so synchronistic for me to get the message that I
needed to be in the flow and not worry so much about the writing. That my
"writing angel" was there for me but I was setting up blocks- the one thing
I talk about the most in my book!
Karin Peterson-Sitrin (coachkarin@mac.com)
I have read all the stories on this site, as of this date, and
some of them are monumentally amazing. Mine is very small, but quite
significant to me.
For personal reasons, I wanted to work with the power of intent and have
been reading some books from my own collection to guide me. Yesterday, I
was drawn to the concept of synchronicity, which I have experienced in
my life but on which I have never strongly focused. So I started
searching Amazon to see if there was something I could find to help. I
had no specific title in mind, I just did some browsing and read some
reviews. I eventually became very strongly attracted to The Power of
Flow, and after some deliberation I purchased the book.
Alas, the problem with buying online is waiting for the package to
arrive and I wanted to begin right away. So I Googled "synchronicity."
Try it - you'll get millions of results. Just to get started, I randomly
clicked on a link titled "What is Synchronicity?" This was an unlikely
choice for me to make because I know what synchronicity is, and didn't
want to re-read anything about Jung and how he came to coin the term. I
was actually looking for a site that would tell me how to use it in my
life. But the page I clicked on was fascinating and I read the whole
thing, right down to the bottom. Right down to the link that says
"Order The Power of Flow." My jaw dropped. I was stunned. I couldn't
believe what I was reading. I thought, "I looked at so many books - I
must be confusing the titles. It MUST be a different book." A click on
the link, to double check, and I got my confirmation - it IS the same
book. So, it seems the Flow itself has brought me to this book and this
site. Now I'm especially excited to receive my copy!
Kathy O'Rourke, North Carolina (eggie@maritimehomes.com)
My daughter, who is 21, gave me
The Power of Flow for Christmas. I
recently had an accident and have been going to physical therapy. The
therapist recommended that I might try a Pilates class, which she thought I
could do in conjunction with the therapy. I did not know of any so I looked
on the computer for those in my area. I punched in the word Pilates and my
hometown and found one that is run by a group that goes by the name The
Harmony Group. Now in looking at your book, I see the book is also the
Harmony publishers. Things always happen for a reason, I believe. I know I
am on the right tracks on both accounts.
Ellice L, New Jersey
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